A Night to Remember: Celebrating 20 Years of Timeout


Time flies when you’re having fun. And for the Timeout team, the night of our 20th anniversary celebration was a testament to that saying.

The evening kicked off with a vibrant drinks reception. Guests mingled on the terrace, glasses in hand, as they caught up with colleagues and friends. The atmosphere was electric, filled with the hum of excited chatter. It wasn’t just the drinks that lifted spirits; a talented singer serenaded the crowd, setting the perfect tone for the night ahead.

After the drinks reception, it was time for the main event—a sumptuous three-course dinner. Guests moved to the dining area, where beautifully set tables awaited them. The aroma of delicious food filled the air, promising a culinary experience to match the evening’s elegance.

As the dessert course was served, anticipation filled the room as this signalled the approach of a special moment—the CEO’s speech.

With desserts in front of them, guests turned their attention to Janet, our CEO, who stepped up to deliver a heartfelt speech. Her words resonated deeply, capturing the essence of what makes Timeout special and celebrating the remarkable 20-year journey.

Janet’s speech began with reflections on Timeout’s humble beginnings, the challenges faced, and the victories won. She highlighted key milestones and the collective effort that brought us here. It was a reminder of our resilience and determination.

Janet didn’t just focus on the company; she celebrated the people who make Timeout what it is. She acknowledged the hard work, creativity, and dedication of every team member, making it clear that this anniversary was a shared achievement. Her words were met with applause and, for some, tears of gratitude.

Janet concluded her speech by looking to the future. She spoke of exciting projects on the horizon and the continued growth of Timeout. Her optimism was infectious, leaving everyone feeling motivated and eager for the next chapter.

Following Janet’s inspiring words, the evening transitioned into the awards ceremony. This segment of the night was filled with excitement and anticipation as everyone eagerly awaited the announcement of the winners.

The awards ceremony was a celebration of excellence within Timeout. Each award recognised outstanding contributions and achievements. From Innovation to Team of the year! each category highlighted the diverse talents and efforts of our team members.

Every winner was deserving of their award, and it was clear that the selection process had been thorough and fair. The ceremony brought to light the incredible work being done across Timeout and reinforced the sense of pride and accomplishment within the team.

After the awards, Dominic took the stage to deliver his own speech. His words were a perfect follow-up to the ceremony, adding depth and emotion to the evening.

Dominic began by paying tribute to Janet, highlighting her leadership and vision. His words were heartfelt, acknowledging the impact she has had on the company and its people. It was a touching moment that resonated with everyone present and it was very clear that Timeout was a family run business.

Dominic then turned his attention to the team, expressing his gratitude for their hard work and dedication. He shared personal anecdotes and memories, making the speech relatable and engaging. His humour and sincerity made it a memorable part of the evening.

Dominic concluded by expressing optimism for the future. He spoke of the exciting opportunities ahead and the continued success of Timeout. His speech left everyone feeling inspired and united, ready to take on new challenges together.

With the formalities concluded, it was time to let loose and celebrate. An excellent DJ took over, filling the room with music that got everyone on their feet.

The dance floor quickly became the focal point as guests danced the night away.

As the night drew to a close, guests were given a parting gift—a goody bag filled with tokens of appreciation from the Timeout family.

Timeout’s identity as a family-run business is something I am immensely proud of. The sense of community and togetherness that we share is what makes Timeout truly special. Over the past 20 years, we’ve grown not just as a business but as a family, and this growth wouldn’t have been possible without your dedication and hard work.

A special thank you goes to Becky, Jodie, Claire, Debs, and Chen for their invaluable help with the event. Your efforts ensured that the evening was seamless and enjoyable for everyone. It’s teamwork like this that exemplifies the spirit of Timeout and the collaborative culture we foster.

Here’s to the future!

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