Timeout Summer Fun Day 2017

Timeout Summer Fun Day 2017

What an amazing day! Staff from our residential homes and from head office worked hard to set up a happy, fun-filled arena for our residents. And after a rather rainy and dull morning, we even had the sun appear for the actual event.

Stalls included a messy play area (it was truly messy!), a book and dvd stall, tombola, face painting, hook-a-duck to win prizes, plate painting, and henna art, photo booth, and balloon animals. Some of our young people ran their own stands, with ‘N’ designing graffiti words to order, and ‘I’ doing sterling work painting everyone’s nails (including Dominic’s). Our residents all worked hard with staff to help run all the stalls, and helped do the face painting on their own carers.

Timeout summer fun day: henna painting

There was also a huge bouncy castle, and a football game for everyone who felt more sporty, and a raffle with great prizes (including a signed Manchester United tee-shirt, a signed Huddersfield Giants ball, a bike, vouchers for meals, for hair and beauty, and for activities, plus lots more.

Our therapeutic carers did a great job, baking for the cake stall (they produced excellent work!), and preparing a delicious buffet.
The children were relaxed and happy and had a great day. These were some of their comments.

“I can’t believe they actually have Jacqueline Wilson books at the Fun Day! I’m so happy!”

“Will this temporary tattoo stay on me forever?!”

“These are the best cakes I’ve ever had!”

A huge thank you must go to Chen Dunn, our Practice Development Lead , and her team of Champions (Wayne Traynor, Jen Connah, Becky Hurst, Rebeca Sharkey, Ian Perrow, Sally Hawkridge, Leanne Parker and Danny Armstrong) for working tirelessly to produce a successful day.

Timeout summer fun day: picture booth

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